Same day electrical repair service in the city of Houma, LA.

The Houma electrician replaced a faulty ground circuit interrupter or a GFCI receptacle. One of our Houma, LA. had an electrical power outage within their home.
The garage had no power and the family room had no power. The Houma electrician traced the wiring through the attic after testing the electrical current that supplied power to the electrical circuit. The Houma client showed the electrician where each receptacle was located. The Houma electrician knew that there was more receptacles on that circuit besides the receptacles that the Houma client showed the Houma electrician. The electrician found one GFCI receptacle that was hidden behind a shelf in the garage. The Houma electrician could see where the wire went down the wall. After moving the shelf the Houma electrician open the receptacle and found that the receptacle was burned.
The Houma electrician replaced the receptacle and everything worked fine.
Service provided: Electrical Repairs
Budget: 595.00
Location: Houma, LA
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Products Used
GFCI receptacle
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